Your home needs to have routine examinations to make sure everything stays in working order. Below are a few maintenance guidelines to help prepare your home from season to season:
Month-to-Month Home Maintenance
Make sure to check and test these out around the first day of each month.
Test, clean, and dust smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
Test GFI/GFCI receptacle, breakers, and outlets.
Quarterly Home Maintenance
Remember to check and test these things around the first day of January, April, July and October.
Replace and clean heating, ventilation and air condition filters.
Check door sweeps and weather-stripping on exterior doors
Check caulk seals between counter tops & walls.
Check washing machine hoses and connections for cracks and leaks.
Have an HVAC professional inspect your cooling system.
Your lawn needs to initially be watered every day for the first 30 days giving it time to root
You should mow your yard regularly – at least weekly during the spring and fall seasons
You should fertilize and treat your yard regularly
Check caulk around fireplace facing and repair as needed.
Early Summer
– Feed…Feeding in the early summer helps strengthen the lawn so it can better withstand heat and drought conditions that commonly occur during the summer. Mow high…Taller blades help grass develop deeper roots. Watch for weeds & spot treat should any appear.
- Water deeply. The goal is to water long enough to reach a depth of 4-6 inches. Feed…Keep feeding your lawn every six to eight weeks.
Late Summer
- Sharpen your mower blade as dull blades tear grass, thus causing grass loose moisture. Water in the morning – your lawn will lose less water to evaporation if you water between 6 & 10 a.m. Continue to spot treat any weeds that pop up.
Have an HVAC professional inspect and calibrate your heating.
Check windows and doors to repair weather stripping.
Clean gutters, downspouts, and make sure to remove leaves and debris from them.
Before the first freeze, disconnect exterior hoses.